Button group

A button group lets users choose an action from a set of options.

How to use a button group

When using a button group:

  • Make the primary action clear and give all the actions a different level of priority
  • Primary actions can be right or left aligned according to design needs, but should stay consistent within journeys
  • Check that the tab order follows the reading order, going from left to right and top to bottom

Example of a button group

  • Interactive demo - Sainsbury's

Copy guidelines

Button labels should make it easy to understand what will happen if the button is pressed. Ask yourself: ‘If a user doesn’t read any other content on this page, will they understand what this button will do?’

Lead with a strong, actionable verb paired with a noun.


Make sure your button label fits on one line.


Start with a capital letter and use sentence case, but don’t add full stops.


Avoid using ‘my’ or ‘your’ in button labels.


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